Saturday, April 26, 2014

About Those "Safe" Abortions...

In the relatively recent past, it was possible to 'google' "Abortion Injury Reports" and access reports that were written decades ago about women who were injured in abortions. One that was particularly horrific pertained to a young (then) woman named Lillian Lawson of Dallas. As recently as a year or so ago, it was possible to obtain the newspaper report of what had happened to her. She had her abortion in 1990. I guess it's not possible to obtain that report about her now, but there are numerous other more recent reports about other people that can be obtained, including those who have been injured by medical abortions, if one desires to do the research.

Nonetheless, I'll relate what happened to Lillian Lawson, so that it can serve as a warning of the kinds of things that can happen to young women in abortion clinics. While Lillian was on the abortion table, the doctor lacerated her uterus, then, with forceps, went through the laceration, latched onto her intestines, and pulled them through the laceration, through her womb and vagina and out into the open air. (I presume, otherwise, how would he know what he had done? I'm also assuming the doctor was "he" and a medical doctor.) After that horrible injury, Lillian was left on the table with her feet in the stirrups for seven hours before she was transported to Presbyterian Hospital where the damage to her uterus was repaired, and where a colostomy was performed. That means, of course, that her waste henceforth went into a bag that she had and has to wear at all times, and empty and clean, rather than going directly into the toilet as it had before her "safe, legal" abortion. Lillian still may be considered one of the "lucky" ones who survived such injuries resulting from abortions, though. After all, she sued and received a $5,000,000 settlement. Many others have died.

A similar case was reported in another of the same "Abortion Injury Reports" of a 14-year old girl from the Atlanta Area. The report was made by a "nurse" (?) who assisted the abortionist. The same thing happened to her that happened to Lillian Lawson, except that, rather than having her transported to the hospital, the "doctor" poked her entrails back through the hole he had made in her uterus and sent her home!

Naturally, the "nurse" didn't know what happened to the girl after she left the clinic, but Atlanta did report the death of a 14-year old girl as a result of abortion. Was it the same girl? Only God knows.

A matter of interest related to this is that, at that time, the parents of the girl might not have had any idea that their daughter was even pregnant, much less getting an abortion, because, though the school nurse couldn't have given her an aspirin without their permission, she could, at that time, have transported her to have an abortion without their knowledge or consent. They might have come home from work that evening to find their daughter dead or dying and not known what had happened to her that day! Moreover, it is still possible in many states for any adult to accompany a minor girl to have an abortion without the knowledge or consent of the parents. Furthermore, whenever state legislatures attempt to pass laws requiring parental consent or informed consent so that a woman can know what kinds of things could happen to her in an abortion, organizations that favor "a woman's right to choose" fight tooth and nail to keep such laws from being passed!

In recent years, however, the cloak of secrecy in the abortion industry is slipping a bit and people have become more and more aware of the injuries and deaths suffered on the part of young women as a result of botched abortions, and laws are being passed, such as the recently passed law in Texas, which was famously filibustered, requiring doctors who do abortions to have hospital privileges within 30 miles of their clinic. This has resulted in the closure of numerous abortion clinics in Texas, and howls of protest on the part of feminists.

There is an organization that is attempting to raise money to film a movie about one of the more grisly cases that have come to light in recent years. Inspectors were sent to inspect the clinic of Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia (after an absence of inspections for many years). They were shocked at the sights that met their eyes: baby feet in jars; babies in freezers; dried blood on tables and floors, cat litter on floors and dirty litter in boxes, evidence of roaches, etc., etc., etc. (Surely it's not too late to read those newspaper accounts if desired. He was arrested and tried only a couple or so years ago.) One would be tempted to believe that his was the only clinic in the world that was that gruesome or unsanitary, but that is not the case. In Kansas City, Kansas, inspectors found just such an unsanitary sight, and the "doctor" failed the Medical Board test more than 10 times before being granted his license to practice. (Of course, that was a number of years ago, and that doctor may have been forced out of the practice altogether, but who knows what kind of individual may have taken his place?)

Prior to 1973 when the Supreme Court mysteriously found a "Constitutional right" to abortion despite the guarantee of our "right to life" in the Declaration of Independence, deaths resulting from pregency were relatively rare. Those pushing for "legal" abortions drew a number "out of the air" to sell the "need" for legal abortions. The number the abortion advocates quoted was in the thousands. The actual number was something like 39. Now, deaths resulting from abortions are hidden in medical language that can be mistaken for causes other than abortion so it is difficult to know how many women are dying of abortions today.

When dealing with those in the abortion industry (and it is a very lucrative industry), one is not dealing with the "cream" of society. In truth, though it is never dealt with in this way, abortion is, in reality, murder for hire. Beware!

About Those "Legal" Abortions...

What, exactly, constitutes legality? Do mere humans have the authority to make any kind of behavior "legal," or is there a higher authority whose laws cannot be transgressed without consequence?

Investigation into the matter reveals that "the state" does not have the authority to declare something "legal" that is not legal according to that higher authority, whom I shall refer to henceforth as "God."

There are numerous places in the Word of God - the Holy Bible - where the laws and wishes of God with regard to pregnancy and birth are made clear. The most obvious, of course is in the Ten Commandments, which are located in both Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. "Thou shalt not kill." Bible scholars indicate that the Hebrew word for "kill" in the Ten Commandments means "murder" and the implication is that we should not kill innocent people. (It does not pertain to execution of those guilty of capital crimes - which execution is also commanded elsewhere. "You must purge the evil from your midst." Deuteronomy 19:19b)

There are places in the Bible where the killing of unborn babies and little children is also referred to - always as an abomination punishable by law. Exodus 21:22 - 25: "When men strive together, and hurt a wonan with child, so that there is a miscarriage, and yet no harm follows, the one who hurt her shall be fined, according as the woman's husband shall lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. If any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe." Exodus 23:7 "Keep far from a false charge, and do not slay the innocent and righteous, for I will not acquit the wicked." (Who can be more innocent than an baby that is yet to be born?)

"You shall not give any of your children to devote them by fire to Molech, and so profane the name of your God: I am the Lord." Leviticus 18:21.

It has recently come to light that the bodies of aborted babies were being burned as "medical waste" in Great Britain to heat hospitals. More recently, it was discovered that the same thing was being done in Oregon to heat homes! In his book, Deliver Us From Evil (p. 135), biblical apologist, Ravi Zacharias quotes Bible scholar, Cunningham Geike, who described in detail the rite of sacrificing babies to Molech:

The hideous image of Moloch, the god of the Ammonites, once more rose in
the valley of Hinnom, and Manasseh himself led the way in consecrating his own
children not to Jehovah, but to the grisly idol, or as the phrase ran, making him pass through the fire to the god; as if the flames, burning away the earthly impure body, let the freed soul pass through them, cleansed from all taint of earth, to unite with the godhead . . . Human sacrifice became common at the "high places of Tophet" in the valley of Hinnom; the stately central mound, on which the idol towered aloft, rising deep and large in the midst.
Night time seems to have been the special time for these awful immolations. The yells of the children bound to the altars, or rolling onto the fire from the brazen arms of the idol; the shouts of hymns of the frantic crowd; and the wild tumult of drums and shrill instruments, by which the cries of the victims were sought to be drowned rose in discordance over the city; forming, with the whole scene, visible from the walls by the glow of the furnaces and flames, such an ideal of transcendent horror, that the name of that valley became, and still continues, in the form of Gehenna, the usual word for hell.

In reading that description of human sacrifice of little children and babies by the ancients of the Kindom of Judah, we can have little wonder that The Lord would send the Babylonians to conquer them and take them into captivity. Yet, how is it more barbaric to do as they did than it is to pull the tiny bodies of babies apart limb from limb and discard them as trash to be incinerated to heat hospitals or homes? Dr. Bernard Nathanson had done thousands of abortions before deciding to film one via ultrasound. He named the film he made, "The Silent Scream," because he was able to see the baby open its mouth in a scream in the womb as the abortion instruments invaded the baby's space to rip it apart. He never performed anothe abortion and, in fact, became one of abortion's most ardent foes.

I am struck by the similarity of the rite of idolatry to Molech and the burning of babies as "medical waste" to heat hospitals and homes. Fire in both instances. Perhaps abortion is idolatry to Molech without its practitioners ever knowing it.

Those who practice abortion in this nation, and those who have received one or more, may never have to face an earthly judge for having committed a crime for their taking of innocent life, but we know that it is truly against the will of God for us to take the life of babies whether in or out of the womb. In fact, God said to Jeremiah, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you; . . ." Jeremiah 1:5a-b That was true of Jeremiah; it may be true of all of us, including the babies that have been aborted and will yet be.

It is important to know that, if you have already had an abortion, there is redemption through the blood of Jesus. "If we say we have fellowship with him [Jesus] while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not live according to the truth; but if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."  I John 1:6-9

It is also important to know that if one remains unrepentant in this life for sins, we will face the Judge of all judges in the future. Best to repent before it's too late.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Why Black Americans for Life?

Why Black Americans for Life?

When coming face-to-face with the name of the organization "Black Americans for Life," many people have wondered why there should be a separate organization for Black Americans.  There are, after all, numerous pro-life organizations which were already in existence before Black Americans for Life was organized.

In truth, Black Americans is, more or less, an arm of the National Right-to-Life, but it is directed specifically toward black women of child-bearing age, their mothers, and those youngsters who soon will be of age.  The reason for this particular organization, and others around the country like it, is to educate black women about the harm abortion is causing to them and to the black population in America.

A disproportionate number of the babies who are aborted are either black or bi-racial.  For example, in New York City, roughly 60% of the black babies who are conceived are aborted.  The estimate of the number of black babies who have been aborted in this country since 1973 is about 17,000,000!  That number very likely only includes the babies of black mothers - not the babies of women of other races whose fathers are black.  

A sister organization is called "Black Genocide."  In fact, this is truly genocide!  The babies who are aborted are not only lost to this earth, but so are the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc., that they likely would have had had they been permitted to survive the womb.  So, the 17,000,000 figure represents only the babies who have been aborted; not the babies they would have had.  This means that, while, at one time, the black population of the nation was the largest minority group, it has become only the second largest minority group.  If abortion continues at the present rate, eventually, it's rank will decrease further.  This means a great loss to the world when one considers the contributions many black people have made to this society, whether in the field of medicine, of sports, of music, of entertainment, of business, or whatever.

No doubt one of the reasons for the high incidence of abortion in the black community is that people are not marrying in the large numbers they once were before the advent of the Great Society programs that penalized women for having a husband with her children by having tax dollars pay for expenses far more than an "ordinary" husband could, while denying them those benefits if the husband stayed with the wife and children.  It is difficult for a woman alone to rear a child, so the child is seen as a detriment to the woman's life, meaning that self-interest "demands" that the child be aborted.  In other cases, no doubt a woman who wants to keep her child is pressured into abortion by the father of the child or a parent of the woman.  

Nevertheless, abortion is rapidly depleting the population of young black Americans.  Black women need to take into account that, by aborting their babies, they are not only killing the babies and doing physical, emotional, spiritual, and relational damage to themselves, they are participating in reducing the entire black population.